Make everyday green: NBF’s Roadmap to Sustainability
Nature Bio Foods defines new roadmap for responsible consumption and production’
Advancing towards its sustainability programs, Nature Bio Foods launched its – ‘Make Every day Green Initiative
“Considering the global trend of the growing demand for resources like food, water, housing, energy and consumer goods owing to increasing population, we took a step ahead in improvising our energy and resource consumption patterns for renewable and non-renewable sources of energy in the office building, production factories, and farmer fields. The concept is based upon the 4R’s strategy – Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, and Refuse.” – Rohan Grover, Director of Nature Bio Foods.
An interactive session between all the employees and sustainability lead- Amit Singh, commenced the event at the Kamaspur unit, followed by a pledge spearheaded by the company C.E.O. – J.S. Oberoi. The organisation launched its intensive field projects which includes successful installation of 10,000 LED’s replacing the incandescent in the farms, installing 300 solar street lights of which 84 have already been installed, installation of 400 household bio gas plants which impacts the carbon emissions and organisation’s organic agricultural practices which reduces carbon footprint by 80,000 tonnes per year. Nature Bio Foods has recently signed a contract with the INDUS forum which brings together likes of MARS and other corporates to upcycle crop waste to usable paper packaging and products. The employees were acquainted of their current energy level consumptions, paper
usage and waste disposal activities and encouraged to come forward and suggest ideas and measures to execute the same. The organisation will achieve this through small yet impactful steps like installing waste segregation bins, encourage double side printing of documents on 100% recycled paper, utilising treated water from our plants in washrooms and for gardening etc. Switching of mains power for an hour has added abundantly to this initiative. The laser levelling farm practices aims to save 2000000 cubic meters of water per year.
Sustainability is the most important part of the corporate’s business model. Protecting the environment is not a burden to the company but has always encompassed the ethical framework surrounding sustainability and corporate social responsibility.