We successfully completed our First Edition of Nature Bio Foods – Cricket Premier League – 2022. We would like to extend our gratitude thank you all for your participation and for making the event successful.
Whooping 100 Participants from all corners of India participated in the “NBF-Cricket Premier League” and all participants & audiences enjoyed every bit of the matches and cheered for all the teams.
It was wonderful to witness the Exemplary sportsman spirit shown by all the participants during matches.
After an exciting two-day long battle finally, the Agri Avengers team succeed and won “NBF-Cricket Premier League- 2022”.
If you couldn’t attend, no worries you can watch it here at a glimpse.
We thank you all for your participation and lastly “VICTORY IS IN THE QUALITY OF COMPETITION & SPORTSMAN SPIRIT,
We’ll be back again with another exciting update, till then keep watching this space for more.
Some More Glimpses From The Event: