Nature Bio Foods initiates its new Demeter project under conversion in Andwara region making the count to 5.
With the increasing demand for Demeter ingredients worldwide, NBF recorded the conversion of its new Demeter project in Andwara region of Bundelkhand. The project covers major crops like Sesame, Flaxseed, Lentils & Green gram. Biodynamic methods produce a living soil with revitalized natural forces, in alignment with planetary cosmic rhythms. This helps in improving and increasing food vitality, regenerating natural resources such as soil, water and seeds.

Farmers at Jammu project gear up for the new kharif season
Its time when the farmer starts his preparation for nursery raising for the new Kharif crop of the season. Farmers from NBF project in Jammu have started their toil in pursuit of the same. These farmers and their families have been well trained with precautions that shall be taken during this time period of Covid -19 and are adhering to them

NBF commits to Climate Change through The Climate Collaborative

The climate collaborative is a project of OSC2 & SFTA catalyzing bold climate action among natural products companies. Since its launch in 2017, the collaborative has brought together more than 200 manufacturers, retailers, brokers, distributers and suppliers to build existing climate solutions to scale and to find innovative, new ways to help reverse climate change.

Is WFH the new normal? Or just a phase?
Months to the spread of the pandemic, lives of billions have changed around the world. Offices shifted to new workspaces and Work from Home became the new normal on the professional front. Many companies have opted to run this ‘Normally’ for long in future as well. But what has encouraged the authorities to take this call? While the fear of spreading the disease further surely acted as a primary reason but that isn’t all. Companies likewise NBF, who achieved highest dispatches in the month due to increased demand for staples recorded great improvement in employee performances with increased working efficiency by nearly 18%. The bigger question that still prevails – If it all gets back to normal, would companies still want to continue with the new culture?